Information for Parents
Waiting list
We operate a waiting list and invite you to place your child on the waiting list once they have reached 18 months old. This can be done by completing an Admissions Request Form, you can either call in for one or download it from the admission request link below. We take children from 2 years old, providing we have a place to offer you and the staffing ratios to accommodate it. We will contact you when / if a place becomes available and will provide you with a full registration pack so that we are fully aware of all your child’s needs before they start with us. We advise you to put your child’s name on the list as soon as they are 18 months old.
We offer an optional uniform for you to purchase which has proven to be popular. The burgundy t-shirts can be purchased for £6, sweatshirts for £9.50 and fleeces for £15, all have the Richmond pre-school logo on. This takes away the problem of what clothes to send your child into pre-school in. We recommend children wear dark coloured leggings or joggers on the bottom.
Please ensure all your children's clothing is labelled, especially the preschool logo t-shirt, sweatshirts and fleeces as they are all the same. If you order from My Name Tags, 10% of your order goes to the pre-school. Visit and enter the school id 11695 section on the checkout page.
Tapestry Online Learning Journey
To monitor children's progress we make observations of them in play situations. In order to record these observations and to keep you informed of what your child is doing we use an on-line system called Tapestry. Tapestry enables us to send photos and videos to you of your child engaged in play and taking part in different activities at pre-school.
Please see below some useful guides on how to use Tapestry on YouTube.
Activating your Tapestry account from your activation email
Using the all about me page
Adding Observations
Adding the Tapestry Browser to your phones home page
Easy fundraising
Richmond Preschool are now registered with easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Over 6,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself!
These donations really mount up and make a BIG difference to us, so we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign up and support us. It’s completely FREE and only takes a moment.
You can find our easyfundraising page on the link below.
Session times
We are open Monday to Friday during term time
Morning sessions - Monday to Friday
Nemo room - 08:45 to 11:45 (gate opens at 08:40)
Simba room - 08:50 to 11:50
Afternoon sessions - Monday to Thursday *
Nemo room - 12:45 to 15:15 (gate opens at 15:05)
Simba room - 12:50 to 15:20
Afternoon sessions - Friday
Nemo & Simba room - 12:30 to 14:00
Lunch club - Monday to Thursday
Nemo room - 11:45 to 12:45
Simba room - 11:50 to 12:50
Lunch club - Friday
Nemo room - 11:45 to 12:30
Simba room - 11:50 to 12:30
*Early collection - 14:40
Fees and funding
Our current hourly fee rate is £9.00, which amounts to :
£27.00 per morning session
£22.50 per afternoon session
Prior to receiving funding you will be invoiced monthly for fees. We accept payment in cash, tax free childcare, voucher schemes or BACS payments into our bank account. We prefer electronic payments over cash, we also accept card payments, however we prefer on-line transfers to avoid charges. In the case of absence all fees must be paid. Please familiarise yourselves with our late payment policy that can be found under our policies section.
We are a registered provider of government funding through Essex County Council. All children receive 15 hours of funding from the term following their 3rd birthday. Working parents can apply for a code to receive 15 hours of funding for children from 2 years old (children get this once they are 9 months old) or 30 hours of funding for children from the term following their 3rd birthday.
If your child is 2 years old and you receive additional forms of government support you may also be eligible for 15 hours funding. If you receive Universal Credit you may be able to claim back up to 85% of your childcare costs. Take a look at to see all the available funding options.
Tax Free Childcare
If you pay for any of your childcare fees, you should consider registering for a Tax Free Childcare account to save yourself 20% on your child's fees. All you need to do is register with the HMRC for an account and then link it to our Pre-school. Our Ofsted Registration is EY421247. Each month you receive your invoice from us, you need to send 80% of the bill across to your account, and then the government tops it up with an extra 20%. Once that has been added make a payment from your TFC account to us, please send the full amount on the bill over to us. For more information check out this link
Key person
Every child is allocated a key person before they start with us. The key person has the responsibility for monitoring the learning and development of their named child and will do this by getting to know both the child and their family. Your key person will do their best to make themselves available should you need them for a chat or to discuss any concerns you may have. Please remember we have a wealth of experience at Richmond Pre-school regarding raising children and all staff are here to help you.