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Please find below Richmond Pre-school policies and procedures

1.1 Childrens rights and entitlements

1.2 Safeguarding children and child protection

1.3 Looked after children

1.4 Uncollected child

1.5 Missing child

1.6 Online safety

1.7 Intruder policy

1.8 Absent child

2.1 Employment

2.2 Student placements

2.3 Staff and volunteer recruitment

3.1 Induction of staff, volunteers and managers

3.2 First aid

4.1 The role of the key person and settling in

5.1 Staffing

6.1 Administering medicines

6.2 Managing children who are sick, infectious or with allergies

6.3 Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents

6.4 Nappy changing

6.5 Food and drink

6.6 Food hygiene

6.7 Sun safe policy

6.8 Managing the covid-19 pandemic

7.1 Achieving positive behaviour

8.1 Health and safety general standards

8.2 Maintaining childrens safety and security on premises

8.3 Supervision of children on outings and visits

8.4 Risk assessment

8.5 Fire safety and emergency evacuation

8.6 Animals in the setting

8.7 No smoking

8.8 Late payment policy

8.9 Staff safety including home visits

9.1 Valuing diversity and promoting equality

9.2 Supporting children with special education needs and disabilities

9.3 British values

10.1 Richmond preschool prospectus

10.2 Admissions

10.3 Admission request form

10.5 Parental involvement

10.6 Childrens records

10.7 Providers records

10.8 Transfer of records to school

10.9 Confidentiality and client access to records

10.10 Information sharing

10.11 Working in partnership with other agencies

10.12 Making complaint

10.13 Acceptable use agreement for electronic devices

10.14 Recording and monitoring childrens progress through Tapestry

10.15 Notification of leaving form

10.1b Privacy notice for Richmond Preschool

11.1 Grievance procedure

11.2 Disciplinary procedure

11.3 Lateness and absence policy

Policies: Information Pack
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